Christian Hahn, LL.M.
Lawyer, Certified Tax Adviser, Certified Tax Lawyer
+49 521 2993238 (Assistant)
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My key competences:
- Tax procedural law including representation in proceedings at fiscal courts and the Federal Fiscal Court
- Liability law for tax advisers, public auditors and lawyers
Other activities:
- Qualified examiner for the tax consultant exam at the Ministry of Finance of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Lecturer at the Hagen Law School – Fachanwaltslehrgänge (iuria GmbH)
- Instructor for the specialist lawyer education and training
- Numerous publications on topics of tax procedural law as well as inheritance and gift tax law
- Born in 1978
- With BKS Rechtsanwälte since 2015
- Lawyer since 2007
- Certified tax adviser since 2011
- Certified lawyer for tax law since 2011
- Certified adviser for tax succession planning (DANSEF e. V.)
Service areas
Adviser liability
Mistakes can happen – if they happen to a tax consultant, an auditor or a lawyer, there is a risk of liability. We are a specialist law firm with extensive experience in defending claims for damages asserted against tax consultants, auditors and lawyers.
Tax dispute
Effective law enforcement and professional representation of the client require profound knowledge of the procedural matter. As lawyers and tax consultants, we speak the language of our counterparts and master the rules of the game.
Criminal tax law
A highly sensitive topic – we are at your side: with double competence in tax law and criminal law.